Auburn Sportman’s Club Founded 1932
In 1932 we preserved land and built this club. We now have 128 acres of land. We have a rental hall and members lounge, a covered archery range, trap house, rifle and pistol range up the road and the ponds w/ island.
Rifle/Pistol: Members use the private covered Rifle range and housed pistol and 22 range.
Trout: Members can also enjoy the stocked trout pond – private to only members. In Feb we have the Annual Billy Bjork Ice Fishing Derby. In May we have the Neil Donohue Fly-fishing Derby and Spring Derby. July/August is the Kid’s Kiver Derby and Horn-pout Derby.
Archery: We have an Archery Range and a 15 target field Archery Course. One of our signature Archery events is the 3D Toys for Tots shoot each December – we often earn special recognition from the Marine Corp for our generous donations –Several archery events are held throughout the year. We also have an indoor Archery League that runs throughout the winter months. The Archery Events calendar is posted on the porch.
Trap: Every Sunday – Weather permitting and as long as there isn’t another special event going on – we have Trap shooting at 11am. During the Spring and Summer we also open on a week night. Our New Years Day shoot has been a great success with meat and money prizes and other Trap events are posted and held throughout the year.
Black Powder: We have a Black Powder Woods walk yearly and we usually have a record attendance to challenge the course.
During most club events – our Kitchen Committee feeds all our guests – breakfast, lunch – occasionally a dinner.
Bird/Game: We raise and stock pheasants on the property for the state – we have rec’d high compliments from the state regarding the habitat of the pen. The birds are stocked on the grounds and hunting is open to the public. Several kid/junior members assist w/ catching and stocking the birds – it’s a great program. The property is only open to the public during pheasant season.
Bird Banding: Weekend mornings throughout the spring and summer you’ll find a large group of people setting up nets, to capture and band all types of birds and track migration patterns. Owl banding is done on evenings in the fall.
Hunter Ed: Mass.gov Hunter Education Program
Youth Events: Yearly we sponsor at least 2 youths for the Junior Conservation Camp. We also participate in the Turkey Youth Clinic and provide experienced volunteer mentors. The clinic teaches gun and range safety while the youths are taught how to shoot from a sitting, standing and within a blind at turkey targets.
Horseshoes: All members are invited to sign up for the Horseshoe league which runs from April – August/September – Wednesday evenings.
Judo: The hall is used on Saturday mornings and Wednesday evenings to practice Judo – a modern Japanese martial art and combat sport.
Special Events: Chairman and committee members keep busy with events for almost every holiday – Corned Beef/Cabbage dinner, Easter Egg hunt, Family Day, Pumpkin carving, Kids and Adults Christmas Parties.
Newsletter: Information is gathered from all committee chairmen and our club events are published in a monthly newsletter which is emailed to all active members.
Membership: We average approximately 1200 Members, approximately a ¼ of the membership is kid/junior members. All new applicants and renewal members, get a membership number, card and membership pin.
Nominating: Nomination of officers and chairmen is held at the September meeting. Elections are done the third Monday of October. If there are vacancies during the year, the Nominating Committee recommends a replacement to the Board of Directors.
Publicity: Selects items to have for sale with the club logo on them to show our support of the club. Sweatshirts, hats, tee-shirts can be purchased in the lounge.
Worcester County League representative: ensures we are aware of all events and pending legislation that effects sportsmen. Our Auburn Sportsman’s Club representative travels to all the Worcester County League meetings and events.
House and Grounds: Ensure the buildings and grounds are maintained.
Hall and ground rentals are handled by Bar Manager and the bartenders. We have a group of great friends that cook and have various cook offs during the year.