H.4885 Bill Signed Into Law Today, Lawsuits Pending, Looking For Plaintiffs. GOAL
Simple statement. . . Please volunteer at any up coming events from programs to repairs or maintenance. We need you as a member to please put your foot forward and help maintain our grounds. Its up to us to make sure we enjoy our sport and the place where we value new experiences. Thank you all for your support!
**Petition Signature Drive** – Jeff K. H.4885
As you all know by now, Chapter 135 was passed. There is an effort out to fight this. One thing that is happening, is to get it put on the referendum ballot to rescind this law. You can sign this petition at Auburn Sportsman’s Club, among other places. PLEASE, make the effort to get to the club this weekend. This is open and available to all registered voters. Send a friend down, they can sign a petition and sign up for a membership at the same time.

Petition forms will be available at Auburn Sportsman’s Club for any legally registered voter to sign.
**Action Item** – Jon Green from GOAL
New Action Item: Keep up the advocacy and outreach, PLEASE!
HD 4420 “Lawful Citizens Imprisonment Act” – Action Alert
July 21, 2023
There has been no recent movement on the bill. Track any updates on movement: https://malegislature.gov/Bills/193/HD4420
GOAL has responded to the very vague, and misleading, summary that has been provided to the legislature from Chairman Day. Day’s summary was only three pages long. GOAL’s markup version turns into a ten-page document that could have easily been many more. (When viewing GOAL’s version, our comments and corrections are in red. The black is what the Chairman provided.)
“This response is by no means represents the entirety of the concerns of Gun Owners’ Action League or the Second Amendment community. This is simply a response to the incredibly vague and dishonest “summary” provided to the legislature by leadership.”
GOAL’s markup of Chairman Day’s Summary: https://goal.org/resources/GOALMarkup.pdf
Action Items:
First, your voices are being heard. Legislators are asking questions internally that are coming directly from you! Also, they are telling us that they are hearing from constituents that they have never from before – this is what we need more of!
- Clubs should organize letter writing events on the weekends. (Remember, feed them and they will come.) Have envelopes and stamps and paper ready to go. Have them write handwritten notes. No form letters.
- The notes only need to be very short. Have them pick a few bullet points from GOAL’s updated summary. A paragraph or less, but the personal effort is what legislators look for.
- Make sure the letters are mailed separately.
- Have a laptop on hand and use the link below to help people find their state representative and senator’s name and address.
- Even a printer on hand for those who have a hard time writing by hand.
- Organize a local standout/mini rally.
- Make sure all your friends and family are taking action. This bill will affect everyone, not just the 2A community. Crime will skyrocket as our rights are revoked!
- Continue to contact your local police chief and make sure they are taking a public stance against this historic anti-civil rights attack. Show them the review from the Mass Chiefs: https://goal.org/resources/MassChiefs.pdf
- Also, check GOAL’s Facebook page as we post the chiefs who are backing the citizens.
- When contacting your legislators, make sure they have reviewed GOAL’s markup of Chairman Day’s “Summary”: https://goal.org/resources/GOALMarkup.pdf
- Keep up the pressure – you are being heard.
Advocacy don’ts: Legislators look for communications that take at least a little personal effort.
- Don’t use the automated “click here to send an email”. For the most part those emails are either filtered out or go directly into some sort of junk folder. In any case they are ineffective. They only serve to make the clicker think they doing something.
- Don’t use a form letter. Many people have been asking GOAL to supply one. The reason we have not is because we know how ineffective they are.
- Petitions are not really what legislators are looking for either. Again, there is no personal effort or story involved.
GOAL’s updated bullet point summary: https://goal.org/resources/Documents/HD4420Brief.pdf
Find your legislator: https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator
July 7, 2023
By now every gun owner in the Commonwealth should be aware of the historic attack against the entire 2A community being pushed by House Speaker Ron Mariano and Chairman Michael Day.
There is no telling when the Speaker may try to ram this through. Although we have been told the bill will have a hearing, we have been told a lot of things, most of which have turned out to be intentionally false.
Many of you have done a great job helping to spread the earnest alarm over this. Please help us keep the information and advocacy flowing.
Here are some things you can do this weekend to help build the energy behind this fight:
Public officials will often be at events on the weekends. Find out where they will be, gather friends and go pay them a visit.
Print out GOAL’s summary on the facts and make sure all your local officials review it. https://goal.org/
Make sure they truly understand the gravity and consequences of this rogue bill.
As a group, visit your local law enforcement officials and ask them to take a public stance against this blatant civil rights attack.
Talking points – there is no need to get into the nitty gritty of the bill since it is impossible to fix!
The summary provided to the legislature does not represent what the bill would actually do to lawful citizens. The legislature is being intentionally misled by Chairman Day and Speaker Mariano!
If this becomes law, about 10% of the Commonwealth’s population would become criminals and enemies of the state overnight.
The bill is so egregious that it is impossible to amend, so don’t try.
If the bill does come to the House floor, you should leave the chamber in protest to send a clear message to the Speaker that you will not take any part in doing this to your constituents.
Nothing in the bill addresses violent crime, mental health, or suicide.
Everyone who attended the “listening tour”, including Chairman Day, stated repeatedly that licensed gun owners are not the problem. This bill totally reflects the opposite.
This will ring the dinner bell for violent criminals to flock to Massachusetts; because we will all be defenseless, including domestic violence victims, the elderly, people of marginalized communities, and even off duty law enforcement. Everyone’s safety in the Commonwealth will be compromised!
GOAL’s breakdown of the bill:
Three easy measures you can take immediately
The only way to beat this is to let them know we are here, and we have had enough!
Click each of these links, then fill in your info and send:
When States Start Writing Laws to Imprison Gun Owners
Supreme Court 6-3 Ruling Demands Elimination of Carry Laws & Rifle Bans!!! State Resists!
North Carolina man’s speech at city council meeting about gun rights
Discussion on this bill at: